| | Welcome to Olmanson.org.On the left you will find an Olmanson family tree. If you are a descendant of Bernt Olaus Olmanson and don't mind being list on this web site please drop a line to family at olmanson.org. Please include how you are related. Currently the plan is to only add those people who feel comfortable being listed or are dead, and then just as a group under the appropriate child of Bernt. For example Bennett Johan and Alan Nathanael are listed at the same level of the tree, yet Bernt is Bennett's grandfather and Alan's great-great grandfather. Bennett Olmanson Family Pages. These pages are only for descendants of Bennett Johan Olmanson. If you are a descendant and would like access, send an email to family at olmanson.org. ReunionsOlmanson-EvensonThe Last Sunday in August.Olmanson-Overlie2nd Sunday of July every year. July 8, 2001 -- 2:00pm -- Herman Heights Park, New Ulm, MN On Sunday, July 8, the annual Overlie-Olmanson family reunion will be held. The past few years the crowd has become smaller and if we wish to continue this event, it would be great to have more people attend. Please put the date on your calendar and encourage all the members of your family to attend. We usually gather around 2:00 and eat around 4:00. We will reserve one of the shelters at the Herman Heights Park in New Ulm. It has tables, water, and electricity. Bring your whole clan, food to share, your own dishes, drinks and pictures. We hope to see all of you there.Bennett OlmansonJuly 4th at Seven Mile Creek Park, Nicollet County, Minnesota. |