Georgia, June 6, 1864

I can hardly say where we are now as I have no map, but we are about thirty miles north of Atlanta and ten miles north of a river which I think is called Tallehakja river where the enemy will try to get a position on the south side of the river.

The country people of Georgia have left. The men are all in the Rebel army, the women folks have gone south, many of them to Atlanta, that town must be like Salt Lake.

This last week we have been in the front line in the army, and the firing has been continuous day and night, without any letup, but not much damage on our side.

We have done as we did at Corinth in 1862. We made fortifications every eighty rods as we went forward until we got to the enemy’s fortifications so that they had to leave their stronghold. In the night of the 4th they retreated southward and left their fortifications.