Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 7, 1863

On November 4th I received the letter mentioning Dinna’ death which was painful to read. I always thought so much of her from the time she could talk, I was surprised at how bright she was. It is naturally a deep sorrow for the parents, but nothing is everlasting in this sinful life, so we must think that everything is for the best and hope to meet again in a reunion where there will be no more parting.

I talked to Lt. Scott today about the money coming to Peder from the government. He said the administrator just has to take care of the things he left here and write to Washington the amount he has coming, and that has all been done, so now your mother can go to St. Peter and prove that she is the closest relative and then write to the War Department in Washington, and the money will be sent to her. In St. Peter you can find out more about it.